The alarm on our Wastewater System is going off – what should we do?
Call me ASAP Fraser 022 021 3591
The sooner action is taken, the better. Being able to reduce issues and impacts may reduce overall costs to you. Alarms are often caused by one of these: Sticky fault floats, blocked filters, low flow rate through irrigation fields and/or burnt-out pumps.
Tip - you could try turning off your system, open the field tap if you have one/know where it is, clean the irrigation filter, then turn your system back on. Regardless, give me a call.

I think our system is blocked - what should we do?
Call me ASAP  Fraser 022 021 3591

How often should we get our System serviced?
I recommend 6 monthly for most systems. As do others in this field. Many councils require 6 monthly as part of resource consent and require service technicians to supply a service report every 6 months.
Most systems have disc filters that require regular cleaning, some brands can be serviced on a cycle of 9 months.  Manufacturers and service technicians have found that leaving your system for longer periods allows sludge to build up in chambers, this will increase the risk of blocking filters, pumps and emitter fields. This leads to a shortwe life span of your pumps, and flow rates to fields drop due to blockages. This therefore leads to pumps and emitter fields only lasting a few years and costing you $$.

My system/lid has been damaged - what should we do?
The lid(s) must be securely fastened. Keep children away from any openings to your tank, if there are missing or damaged bolts, or the lid has become detached from the riser. and give me a call Fraser 022 021 3591 to come out and repair the lid. 

Buying a property with an existing wastewater system?
Here’s what you need to ask the seller for – pre purchase!
If you are buying a property with a system, I recommend you ask the seller for a current service report, don’t just take their word for it. Many customers have found their system hadn’t been serviced regularly as told, and have learned a hard lesson and have spent $$$ to get it up to spec. Many technicians are only cleaning filters and then saying that it was serviced a few months ago, I have seen this too often.

I can service and check the system to ensure it's functioning as designed and let you know of any issues or maintenance it may require before you complete your purchase.

We would like to do some of the field line work ourselves, but we're not too sure how to go about this?

Let's have a talk about your options.

We're thinking of changing systems, can you advise us on a system?
If you are modifying a dwelling or building a new one you may need to upgrade any existing onsite wastewater system or install a new system. There are several factors you will need to consider such as how many people live at your home as some systems have adjustable timers to help manage household capacities.

What are your costs?
Standard Service $250.00

What experience have you got?
I've been in this industry for seven years, servicing a broad cross-section of wastewater systems with ongoing development and training from working alongside top manufacturers in New Zealand.

What can cause issues for my system?
Please avoid flushable wipes, non - eco-cleaning products, this will increase the likelihood of issues for your system and therefore increase your costs. Only toilet paper, eco-cleaning products and body fluids should be flushed. 

What can I use?
Any earth-friendly household cleaning products can be safely used. Check more information here.

Can I use bleach?
If a sterile clean is needed after sickness in the family, use a bucket and cloth to wipe surfaces, empty this bucket outside - rather than into your system.

Can medication affect my wastewater system?
Yes, long-term, strong medications such as antibiotics can impact the functioning ability of wastewater systems. Let me know about any medications and together we can put plans in place to minimise the impact.